Sonna Etienne Foundation

drop of water, water, drip

Our Impact

What SEF is doing to bring some impact into this world:
  • Promoting education for all through:
    • Annual award ceremony and scholarship to underprivileged communities
    • Supporting creation of IT trade schools in Africa to bring world class digital education to community opening them to worldwide competitive high paying IT jobs.
    • Funding school for adequate learning equipment or restauration of learning space
  • Empowering communities to self-address issues that are impactive to their health and wellbeing through:
    • Funding of community-based projects targeted in improving their own wellbeing.
    • Funding project to provide healthy water to rural villages.
  • Rescuing population in distress due to any unforeseen natural disaster through:
    • Anti Covic sensibilization campaign
    • Mask and disinfecting gel distribution in school and local underprivileged communities
    • Food and basis items distribution

In summary, we are committed to help reduce poverty and eventually reduce the social disparity between populations.