Sonna Etienne Foundation

December 2021 Cameroon SEF “Aventure”!

Hello fellow supporters!

It’s been a good 2 months plus… so much time, we needed to reset after a rewarding assignment trip to Cameroon.

3 weeks of road trips and programs as:
– A vibrant seminar on professional development and self-empowerment
– The launch of the Sonna Etienne Scholarship to give underprivileged talent the opportunity for a full-ride entrance to graduate studies in the USA or Canada
– A workshop on introduction to programming at some primary schools
– And some visits to our water project site
– Community exploration trips to assess future community who truly needs support

Kidding you not, I found time in between to squeeze in 2 personal majors events; a funeral and traditional wedding!
We also got to be honored at a Chief’s palace with Chieftaincy/kingship titles, all were put together in a one-day ceremony, demonstrating love and care, as well as appreciating our efforts and community development work that is impacting positively their everyday lives.
Closing the journey with a mega memorial event to acknowledge this very man for who this foundation exists today.

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